


September is one of my favorite month, and always be. Let's make this more special by learn something important in your life, learning about lives itself beacuse no wonder life's hard bro yeah who's agree with me. 

So, here are 22 things I've learned before I'm 22. Let's get started.


1. Rezeki is not just about money. Rezeki is the clothes that we wear, the food that we eat, our family, our friends, our health, a safe place to sleep at night. Every breathe you are taking as you read this is rezeki too, Alhamdulillah (the roses loves)

2. Don't worry about failing, just keep showing up and trying (a book)

3. If Allah SWT loves you more than the others, He will test you more than others. Stop asking 'why me?' instead praise Him more and more (Dr. bilal philips)

4. And He has made me blessed wherever I am (QS. Maryam:31)

5. Of course it's hard. It's supposes to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great (a post on instagram)

6. Believe in yourself, I know you can, kak. Tawakkal (dad)

7. The clock won't stop ticking, stop procrastinating (myself said)

8. Do not lose hope, nor be sad (QS. Ali imran:139)

9. Always make du'a for yourself, people you loved, people around you, and someone else

10. Your friends are amazing. You can dumb af with and 5 minutes later you can be having an extremely deep conversation

11. Keep on dreaming, don't stop. And make it those dreams a reality in Allah's perfect time

12. Being positive doesn't mean you choose to ignore life's problems. It means you trust Allah SWT will find a way out if you do your best (someone on twitter)

13. We don't have to be ordinary (shawn mendes)

14. Sometimes we need to stay calm, relax, and believe in Allah SWT

15. Watch your surroundings and say Alhamdulillah cause you're already blessed with so many things that other people wish in their prayer

16. What Allah knows about you is more important that what people think about you

17. No one can be you, and you don't have to be anyone. Wow deep (I talk to myself)

18. The dunia is like saltwater, the more you drink it the thirstier you will become

19. Enjoy the things in life for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

20. If I can't do great things, I can do small things in a great way (Dr. martin luther)

21. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step

22. Two things define us: our patience when we have nothing and our attitude when we have everything


Before we ended up just wanna let you know, few days ago I scrolled youtube and saw a video from Hannah K, a content creator from Phillipines about these ideas. Found new insight and inspiration, why don't we make it on our own and put it on the blog?

Got it, mom. Still need more practices like I should take an english course (again)



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